Anyway, some notes.
I just received a copy of The Pilot Pocketbook, which has a story I wrote in it. I encourage you to buy a copy. The quality of this little fucker is unreal.
Going through proofs for the issue of the St. Petersburg Review. They're publishing my oncology ward romance story. I mentioned this before, but so many of my literary heroes have appeared in SPR, like George Saunders. So. Will keep you posted about that.
Who knows if I can say this, but since I signed the contract, fuck it. The New Quarterly will be publishing my favourite thing I've written in a long time, that I've been trying to write, in one form or another, for like 6 years, dating back to my undergrad. I worked really hard on the story and after being rejected for like 8 years, TNQ has finally decided to accept a story of mine. Huzzah.
There's also the McNeese Review. It's an annual, so I'm not sure when the publication will be out. But the story is about mimes having sex. I know, right?
The Body Electric anthology for and/or press is said to have been completed and will be out soon. It contains "Eat Fist!", which might be the best thing I've ever written, or at least top three. Also, I wrote a book review for EVENT that'll be coming out in their next issue. EVENT is one of my favourite literary magazines in the whole world. They've been so generous
in their support of my writing, I certainly owe them a crapload of hugs, and every time I review for them I'm grateful for all that they've done with me (nominating me for two awards, continuing to fire book reviews my way, even though I'm a complete fuckup and need constant harassment to get things done).Finally, I've started doing a poem a day on this tumblr blog. You probably know this, but I don't really write poems. But now I do. And it's really rewarding.
I did a reading at Flying Object last night, which is where the picture is from. I read from my story about the weird brother sister thing. You can find it on one my other favourite literary journals in the whole world, Taddle Creek, in its entirely.
If you're reading this from Canada, I'll see you in December / January, when I cross the border and re-enter your lives.